Wearables Inside the Body
Work in 2015 with Stephanie Kneissl, Daniel Spari
ID2 studio, Fiona Raby, University of Applied Arts Vienna (Angewandte)
Theme: This Is Not A Wearable
Stage 1
Body Farm
Farm on Your Body
Food waste is food that is discarded or lost uneaten. Nearly 50% of waste around the world is food waste, which the fact really shock us. So we tried to understand processes of a human farm, to make a suit that helps citizen become self-sustaining, who can recycles food waste/ his waste, to create a cycle that will become one culture of human’s self-redemption
Stage 2
Hormeum Organica
Free discuss on pattern and form of artificial organs
Artificial organs that produce your own drugs or medication that manipulate your body. In this case, discussion is mainly about inner body function, possibilities of artificial organs with body adjustment mechanism and explore the pattern and form of organs.
Stage Final
Alimentum Organica
Wearable Inside Your Body
An artificial organ that gives an immediate preview on how the body will react to certain foods. This enables us to learn to understand the communication of our bodies again.