Individual work 2018
During a workshop on upcycling with Mieke Meijer, I picked sponges to work with.
Sponge attracts me for its clean cut but soft body, which immediately reminds me of jewelry case/holder. People use fabric to wrap around hard structure to make it soft for jewelry, while sponge itself is soft enough. When sponge becomes a jewelry holder after some simple cut, it appears so pure and simple with a strong contrast to jewelry on price.
I came up with the way to run this business when I saw different beautiful sponge in supermarket. Instead of coloring or shaping sponge into another looking, simply using different sponge to make different collections may be a better and purer choice.
Since sponge is so easy to cut, I myself would be the produce of different collections and sell it mainly to retail stores like COS. It could also be co-operations with individual jewelry designers to display their special jewelry, or sell as a package with special jewelry inside in museums.